STAD is an innovation platform for the food system of the future. We begin our work in Malmö, with the mission that within ten years, a third of the food consumed here will be produced and processed in the city.



    The food system of the future must look radically different.

    The change begins here.

    We are building a platform for the food city of the future, and we need you.

    Our cities must become more self-sufficient. Climate change, war and conflict, fragile supply chains, and a lack of preparedness make the city vulnerable. Where will food come from? How will it reach the residents? To be able to support our cities, the food system must look radically different.

    In 2024, STAD is embarking on a series of collaborations and prototypes focused on creating the solutions required, from urban farming and food tech to new types of proteins and marketplaces. We do it because the city should become even better to live in. And because we must.

    Current focus area

    Urban farming

    In the cities of the future, food will be cultivated by everyone; in parks and residential gardens, in and on and under buildings, by private individuals and professionals. New careers are emerging, and we’re discovering new technical solutions to take advantage of rainwater and waste heat. Everyone, absolutely everyone, knows an urban farmer.

    Urban cultivation:

    • Intensive cultivation
    • Indoor cultivation
    • Hydroponics and aquaponics
    • Roof greenhouses
    • SPIN-farming
    • Edible parks
    Current focus area

    Future food tech

    The world's growing population cannot continue to eat meat to the extent we do today. In a future sustainable city, which produces and processes a third of its own food, new production techniques will create nutritious foods and proteins. Meat from legumes and yeast, fish from seaweed and algae, and cheese from oats will be on the menu.

    Food tech for the future:

    • Cellular agriculture
    • Precision fermentation
    • Blue food
    • Automation
    • Circular production techniques
    Current focus area

    An urban movement

    In the food city, everyone is involved in their food – from the local urban farmer and the property owner with a greenhouse on the roof, to the housing association that cultivates in its basement, and the city gardener who takes care of the city's edible parks. Consumers, producers, traders, chefs, and restaurateurs meet through new markets, harvest festivals, distribution services, and a nightlife that connects them and makes the new urban food economy flourish.

    Keep yourself updated

    City constraints breed new solutions

    Nearly 60% of the world's population lives in cities and the influx of new city dwellers is constantly increasing. Here, people gather to create culture, economy, and innovation – and to live. It is a place that never stands still but continuously drives development and its residents forward. And it’s that driving force that we want to use to revolutionize the food system.

    City constraints are part of the solution. Lack of space and dense construction will require new production forms. Population density creates ' conditions for new waste-free distribution models. The abundance of unused resources, such as waste heat and rainwater, can be used to create sustainable and circular food production.

    People in a city

    Pilot city Malmö

    We love Malmö. It is a city that vibrates with energy and diversity, bold companies and politicians with vision. It is also a city that takes food and the environment seriously. Here you will find a large community of passionate and engaged dreamers and entrepreneurs with exciting initiatives and unmatched drive. All of the right ingredients for building a radically different food system.
